- D’Andrea, M./K. Douglas/H. Genz/K. Badreshany1The “Post-Urban” Occupation at Ḫirbet ez-Zeraqōn, Jordan. New Insights into the Early Bronze Age IV on the Northern Plateau
- Vieweger, D./J. Sachs/T. Just64Geophysikalische Erkundung der Lage und des Verlaufs der herodianischen Stadtmauer unter dem heutigen christlichen Viertel der Altstadt von Jerusalem
- Farhi, Y./Y. Tepper77
The Dating of Shivta in Light of the Numismatic Finds from New Excavations at the Site
- Ben-David, C./M. Osband113
Mamluk-Period Settlement in the aʿamāl (Regions) of Bānyās, eš-Šaʿara and Nawā
- Henkin, R./H. Abu-Rabiah139Enter your description here
- Spiciarich, A./Y. Gadot/Y. Shalev/O. Lipschits/L. Sapir-Hen193
Continuity and Change: Animal Economies of Jerusalem and Its Hinterland during the Persian and Hellenistic Periods
- Edrey, M./P. Ebeling/T. Harpak/A. Lichtenberger/O. Tal218Field Report on the 2023 German-Israeli Tell Iẓṭabbā Excavation Project (Beth Sheʾan), Israel
- Porat, R.234Herodium and Southeastern Judea in the Great Revolt and the Bar Kokhba Revolt: A Comparative Viewpoint
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Early-Ottoman Palestinian Toponymy. A Linguistic Analysis of the (Micro-)Toponyms in Haseki Sultan’s Endowment Deed (1552)
- Woitzuck, A./F. Höflmayer290Enter your description here
- 169
Fialová , Radka /Jiří Hoblík /Petr Kitzler (ed.), Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity. Transmission and Transformation of Ideas (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 155; Berlin, Boston 2023). Rez. M. Witte
- 171
Gadot, Yuval, The Landfill of Early Roman Jerusalem: The 2013 – 2014 Excavations in Area D3 (Ancient Jerusalem Publications 2; University Park, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv 2022). Rez. A. Lichtenberger
- 173
Gitin, Seymour (Sy), The Road Taken. An Archaeologist’s Journey to the Land of the Bible (University Park, Jerusalem 2021). Rez. A.C. Hagedorn
- 324
Wening, Jens M., Siloah – Quelle des Lebens. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Jerusalemer Stadtquelle (Ägypten und Altes Testament 101; Münster 2021). Rez. K. Bieberstein
- 328
Levison, John R., The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature; Berlin, Boston 2023). Rez. M. Witte